Cat Care from Liz & Helen's Pet Services...

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If you live in Street, Glastonbury or the surrounding villages, there is an alternative to putting your cat in to a cattery while you are away...

We all know that cats are more independent than dogs. But this doesn't mean that they don't need care, attention (and cuddles) while you are away from home.

Liz and Helen are on hand to make sure that your feline friends are well looked after. Whether you are just out for a few extra hours and need their food and water topped up, or are away from home for a longer period and need a bit more care and attention; let us take care of your cats for you.

We will pop in to feed, water, cuddle and play with your cats as often as you (or they) need. If you are just away from home for the day, you may just need us to call in once. If you're away a bit longer, or overnight, you might want us to call in several times to spend more time with them and make sure that they are safely tucked up at night.

Whatever level of care you require, give Liz and Helen's Pet Services a call. You'll find us friendly, professional and flexible.


Weekdays - 30 minute visit - £7.00 (multiple visits possible)
Weekends - 30 minute visit - £9.00 (multiple visits possible)
Discounts available for regular visits - please contact us for more information.

Liz: 07500 772986
Helen: 07931 779279