Chicken, Duck and Bird Care from Liz & Helen's Pet Services...

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We don't just look after your furry family in Street, Glastonbury and the surrounding villages, we'll take care of your feathered friends too...

At Liz and Helen's Pet Services we love all animals (well, most animals - neither of us are that keen on spiders!) We've even kept our own chickens too.

If you have chickens or ducks and are going to be away from home for a while, let us know. We can call in and top up their food and water and get them in safely if you're going to be out overnight.

Equally, we can make sure that your budgie, parrot or other exotic birds are fed and watered while you're away.

To find out more about chicken, duck and bird care in Street, Glastonbury and the surrounding villages, give Liz and Helen's Pet Services a call. You'll find us friendly, professional and flexible.


Weekdays - 30 minute visit - £7.00 (multiple visits possible)
Weekends - 30 minute visit - £9.00 (multiple visits possible)
Discounts available for regular visits - please contact us for more information.

Liz: 07500 772986
Helen: 07931 779279